All the knowledge of the cosmos at your fingertips on a stunning touch screen
Immersive Player Mars is a software programme that manages the contents of SpaceCrafter Pro Mars and Full Motion Control (FMC), in an agile and intuitive way, taking it to a new dimension in the exploration and dissemination of the cosmos.
We have created more than 120 unique files to organise this new knowledge that gives visual answers to the big questions of the Universe. Every file, every animation and every visualisation is designed to captivate and make your audience think… and… put the cosmos in their hands!

All Immersive Adventure software in one click. Hover the icon to expand the information.
“Our goal is to bring knowledge of the cosmos to everyone, combining scientific data with humanistic and philosophical perspectives. Immersive Player Mars not only manages archives but transforms them into immersive experiences that inspire reflection and discovery.”

12 themes to interact with the Cosmos
To spread all the transversal knowledge hidden in the cosmos, Immersive Adventure has organized this information into 12 themes. In this way, we are able to connect with a more diverse and curious audience, who are looking for innovative experiences in the planetarium to discover the fascinating world of the cosmos.
With SpaceCrafter Pro Mars, you have two interactive screens, at your disposal, each with six exclusive themes, to approach the cosmos in a transversal way.
These are the 12 science and humanities themes we include:

THEME 1: Look at the sky: the everyday landscape
Look at the sky is a journey through different world geographies to explore stars, planets, nebulae, diffuse objects and atmospheric phenomena, such as the northern lights or meteor showers.
And despite the light pollution that obscures the firmament, its audience will have the opportunity to rediscover the sky as the everyday landscape that it has always been and that has fascinated mankind for millennia.

THEME 2: Cosmovisions
With Cosmovisions, we will see how the various worldviews have evolved in each historical and cultural context, from ancient times to the contemporary era.
In this theme, we will delve into the role of religions and social movements that have influenced our perception of the cosmos. As well as the role of artists, painters and poets who have expressed the world in which we live in the arts and literature.

THEME 3: Constellations, cultures and cosmogonies (CCC)
In Constellations, cultures and cosmogonies, your audience will delve into the human imagination through the mythologies or different belief systems that were born out of the misunderstanding of the sky and the objects that populated it.
From the cosmogonies or stories that speak to us about origins, to the imaginary sky described by Jules Verne or the aliens created by the Hollywood industry.

THEME 4: Fundamental Astronomy
Astronomy has facilitated our understanding of the cosmos and has influenced our daily lives: from the length of the day and the year, to the origin of the seasons, the influence of the Moon’s phases, or the calendar of festivities.
In Fundamental Astronomy, you can go back into the past and forward into the future to observe how the position of the stars has changed due to the precession of the Earth’s axis or their own movement within our galaxy.

THEME 5: Solar System
In Solar System we will reveal how we have gone from observing simple bright points in the sky to seeing, through telescopes, planets as round objects, distinct from the stars.
Your audience will understand, for example, how Mars has brought about a paradigm shift in a short time, thanks to research into its atmosphere, geology and the possibility of containing life.

THEME 6: Earth & Moon
What truly connects the Moon, the Earth, and the Sun? In Earth & Moon, we explore the relationship between these two celestial bodies and the Sun, giving rise to phenomena such as eclipses, the phases of the Moon and the tides, as well as the formation of the Moon from the Earth’s impact with a body the size of Mars.

THEME 7: Explorers
In Explorers we will learn about some of the navigational instruments that have allowed us to sail the seas and reach the ends of our world and which, at the same time, have greatly influenced the subsequent exploration of space.
To get here, it has taken cartographers, travellers, scientific expeditions such as Beagle, or the migrations of Polynesian navigators across the Pacific. All of them have contributed to linking the Earth with the sky. .

THEME 8: Our Galaxy and the deep Universe
In Our Galaxy and the deep Universe, we will visit stars, clusters, and nebulae and understand how their study has been done through the light emitted.
Astronomers, unlike biologists, cannot do field work and must limit themselves to understanding the physics of the cosmos through its light. This is why the darkness of black holes has been a marvellous discovery that has forced astronomers to use high-precision technologies.

THEME 9: Cosmology
Thanks to Cosmology, we will be able to reflect on the topics that the planetarium’s audience is so passionate about and enter the world of the unknown: black holes, the deformation of space, the evolution of the Universe and the Metaverse.
Despite scientific and technological advances, we only know 4% of the matter and energy that we think exists. The rest remains an enigma… a lesson in humility for our ego!

THEME 10: Exobiology
In a planetarium, it is easy for the debate about whether life exists elsewhere in the cosmos to arise. Although the search for life beyond Earth offers no easy answers, thanks to the archives contained in Exobiology, the session leader will be able to provide answers to this question in an entertaining and visual way.
With this topic, we will become aware that the Earth is the cause of life and that we humans… have won the lottery!

THEME 11: Space Exploration
Born in 1957, astronautics advanced by leaps and bounds due to the political and strategic needs of the powers that emerged from the Second World War: the USSR and the USA.
In Space Exploration, we will talk about rockets, spacecraft, satellites and technology, but we will not leave aside the ideological factor, the myth and everything that has turned space into a tool of power coveted by the great powers.

THEME 12: Astronomy everyday life
In this century, we have democratized geography and space, through GPS and other satellites, which offer us multiple advantages thanks to the digitalization of information, devices, and AI.
In Astronomy everyday life we will reflect on humanity’s role in light and space pollution, and how the excess of data and information exchange must be managed sustainably. Only in this way can we reconnect with a cosmos that belongs to everyone.
Immersive Adventure has created this unique Joypad design to ensure a better immersive experience. Through smoother and more fluid movements, you will be able to control, steer and move through the software content, SpaceCrafter Pro Mars and FMC. With joypad in hand, you can even give your audience the opportunity to experience moving through the Universe.

Astronomical Keyboard
Immersive Adventure offers an astronomical keyboard designed to complement your sessions. With backlit keys, direct access to videos, scripts, shows… it has all the resources to guarantee the best management of its contents.